Summer is here and the world’s biggest sporting event is just around the corner. As you watch professional athletes sprint, swim, dive, bike, jump and throw things across the finish line, you may feel inspired to bring those games into your own backyard. While we can’t bring every event to you, we have a few ideas to help you build your own competition for a backyard summer games for kids.

Here are 12 backyard summer games that will make your kids feel like pros:

1. Balloon Volleyball

Make a crowd favorite your own for your summer games: volleyball! You don’t need a fancy net — just tie a jump rope or string in between two chairs instead. Then, split into two teams and start your game! If you’re up for a challenge, set some house rules like playing with elbows instead of hands or setting boundaries around the court.

2. Balance Beam

Gymnasts practice for years before heading to the big games. If you’re feeling inspired by their strong flips and jumps, start practicing one of their events with some sidewalk chalk. Draw a straight line on the concrete and practice your balance! While we don’t recommend jumping and flipping like the professionals, you can make up new tricks, like walking heel-to-toe, walking backward or shuffling sideways across the line.

3. Ring Toss

Make your very own themed ring toss game! All you need are five cheap hula hoops and pool noodles. Tape your hula hoops together and prop them against the house, fence or furniture. Kids earn points by tossing the pool noodles from different distances and successfully making it into all five hula hoops. If you don’t have pool noodles on hand, you can use other household items such as balls, pillows or cushions, floaties and more.

4. Noodle Fencing

If you’re looking for another use for your pool noodles, try this safe and fun spin on a classic: fencing! Begin your pretend duel by setting boundaries around the area, establishing ground rules (e.g. no shoving) and let them loose! This game is full of fun and a great backyard game for kids to up their cardio.

5. Hula Hoop Contest

If you chose to compete in game three, then you already have the supplies for this next event. Use a few of the hula hoops for an old-fashioned hula hoop contest. See who can go the longest with a hula hoop around their hips or arms. The last hula hoop to touch the ground wins! If you need a tiebreaker, see who can roll their hula hoop the farthest before it falls to its side.

6. Water Bucket Relay

Start by splitting into two teams and placing two empty buckets at the end of the finish line. Set a third larger bucket or tub filled with water at the starting line and give each team a washcloth. Players must soak their washcloth in the bucket of water before racing down to wring it into their designated bucket. The first team to fill their empty bucket to the top wins. You can adapt this backyard game based on the materials around your house. Large bowls, plastic tubs and to-go containers make great “buckets!”

7. Blanket Run

The next event in our lineup requires an old blanket or bedsheet you don’t mind getting dirty. Have one kid sit on the blanket while another kid or adult pulls them across the finish line. This activity takes some teamwork but is a hilarious way to make memories and get active. Be sure to practice safety — ensure the rider is leaning forward and holding onto the edges so they don’t fall off the back, and play this game on a grassy or carpeted surface.

8. Balloon Carry

For this event, each player gets one inflated balloon to carry across the finish line. Easy enough, right? Except, there’s a catch — you can’t use your hands. Players must transport the balloon between their knees, under their chin, on their back or in another creative way. If a balloon drops, you’re out! The first balloon to cross the finish line — or the last balloon left — wins.

9. Obstacle Course

Save the grand finale for last! Set up an obstacle course in your backyard to end your summer games on a high! Use anything and everything from the previous events (hula hoops, pool noodles, blankets, balloons, chalk, jump rope, buckets) or anything else you have lying around like pillows, boxes or balls. Set up a small obstacle course for kids to spin around, jump, leap or waddle through and score them based on time. This backyard game is sure to burn this last bit of energy your kids have left before bedtime.

These activities are the perfect blend of competition, physical activity and silly fun. Best of all, you can complete them with items found around your house! So, clear out the backyard and let the games begin!

10. Egg and Spoon Race

Speaking of classic games that mix races up a bit, an egg and spoon race is a good choice. Obviously, we don’t need to explain the rules of an egg and spoon race. Instead, we’ll simply point out that it’s an excellent choice for an event contest. As it’s a race that requires steadiness as much as speed. Obviously, this is important if children of a range of different sages are playing.

11. Mini Olympics

Host a mini-Olympics event in your backyard or local park. Set up stations for various events like a sack race, three-legged race, Frisbee throw, and even a makeshift discus throw using foam plates. Divide the children into teams and let them compete in different events. Create DIY medals or certificates to award the winners. It’s a fantastic way to promote teamwork, sportsmanship, and active participation.

12. Gardening

Gardening offers children a hands-on experience with nature. It teaches responsibility, fosters an understanding of the plant life cycle, and can introduce healthy eating habits if you grow fruits or vegetables. This activity also provides an engaging introduction to basic scientific concepts and promotes mental well-being. Kids gardening has a range of resources to help you and your children get started on your gardening journey. Dive in, enjoy the process, and watch as your children cultivate not just plants, but also valuable life skills.