Teaching Children Emotional Literacy

Teaching Children Emotional Literacy

Think back to when you were learning to drive a car. It wasn’t an easy process at first. Phrases like “Keep your hands at 10 and 2!” probably didn’t mean much to you. But the more opportunity you had to practice, the more skilled you became. You most likely startled...
Curbing Biting Behaviors

Curbing Biting Behaviors

Kids use behavior as a form of communication. We may not always understand what they’re trying to tell us, but it always has meaning. When your 2-year-old bites your 4-year-old, she may be trying to communicate, “I want the toy you have, and I’d like it right now.” As...
4 Tips for Mindful Mealtimes for Toddlers

4 Tips for Mindful Mealtimes for Toddlers

Sharing a meal together as a family is fun, and it encourages kids to have healthy relationships with food. Here are our tips to engage in mindful meals: Schedule It. It doesn’t have to be dinner, just a time when everyone can be together for a family meal....