Dedicate Time for Structured Play

When a child has time to play, they build their imagination, creativity, and can gain valuable learning experiences. You can incorporate different school skills into simple activities, providing them with entertainment and knowledge.

Some examples of simple indoor activities include:

Schedule Dedicated Reading Blocks

Start with 15-20 minutes a day, broken down into five-minute segments. Vary how you and your children read to keep them engaged and interested in the activity. Try reading aloud to your child, have your child read aloud to you and occasionally have silent family reading time. Feel free to extend reading blocks as necessary if your child shows interest in the reading material.

After reading time, you can do an activity called story sequels with your child. Once the story or chapter is completed, provide them with paper, crayons and markers and have them draw a picture of what they think happens next.


Make Good Use of Your Child’s Screen Time

Screen time doesn’t have to be looked down upon, but you should try and prevent your child from over indulging in excessive use. Like reading, make screen time scheduled and predictable for your child. Monitor the time they spend on screens daily at your discretion. Let your child dive into educational tv shows, films, or games, during their allotted screen time.

Be sure to also place more leisurely, unstructured play time into your child’s home routine, to help simulate break periods at school such as recess.

Having your child stick to a routine will help to keep their lives structured and keep them engaged in the learning process. Throughout this journey, remember to be flexible and kind to yourself.