Storytelling holds a special place in many parents’ hearts, as it is a unique bonding experience driven through an engaging narrative. Stories are also passed down from generation to generation, uniting individuals of all backgrounds and ages. Kids also love playing around with the story’s characters in their minds to strengthen their creative abilities organically.

Parents need to select the right stories for their kids to impart the right lessons. You can empower your children through the wisdom of age-old tales and have them set the right example for their peers. Kids also learn about the value of courage, perseverance, hard work, and confidence through stories, which is why storytelling is a valuable activity that should be done a few times a week.

Storytelling for kids has evolved, with parents now reading texts through online mediums and focusing on subjects relevant to modern challenges. Kids are navigating through new environments, so incorporating a blend of classic and contemporary tales is ideal. You can set a historical foundation with stories you remember from childhood and impart 21st-century lessons through new stories.

Below are 4 Story Telling Books we recommend


1. The Lion and The Mouse

This is one of the most famous of Aesop’s tales, describing the value of asking for help. The mouse was too little for the lion when the lion was trapped in the net. However, the mouse helped the lion regardless of its size. Even today, the story is impactful as it teaches kids to be brave and help others when they need it.


2. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Aesop's Fables the Boy Who Cried Wolf by Miles Kelly 1786170000 The Fast Free - Picture 1 of 2

A classic tale of an eager boy who didn’t understand the importance of trust and truthfulness, the story is a hallmark example of value-driven storytelling. While it is taught around schools worldwide, you should dive deeper into the story with some one-on-one time with your child. You can talk about why it is essential to remain truthful and how lies can hurt your reputation, making adults distrust you when you need assistance.


3. Last Stop on Market Street

Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena - Audiobook -

This modern story revolves around a young boy who goes on an adventure with his grandmother. He discovers the power of everyday things and the joy of being aware of his surroundings. He interacts with people from all communities and broadens his perspective on what happiness is for different people. It is a modern classic, and it teaches kids about the importance of accepting different people as they are.


4. The Book of Mistakes

This is a great book that teaches kids the importance of making mistakes and learning from them. Kids can explore different dimensions of what it means to make a mistake and understand the importance of taking ownership. With a simple story of an artist making a painting, the book talks about the role of mistakes in making progress in life.


Storytelling offers vital benefits for kids that can’t otherwise be experienced without stories. The role of fiction in the development of the brain is critical as children can imagine new worlds, scenarios, and future instances. They also strengthen their inherent creativity and can improve their outlook toward the future.


1. Improve creative thinking in kids

Storytelling is a crucial tool for improving creative thinking. You can ask your kids to think about the characters, the storyline, the choice of dialogues, and other aspects as you read the story to them. You can customize the story, ask them to take the narrative further, and use toys to enact the story how they like it to be.

2. Stories bond families

You can’t go wrong with a good story to make your family come together. Stories have a magical ability to make kids fall in love with reading and to have families come together with commonly shared values. Some stories go back to ancient Greece and are passed down generations.

3. Imparting the right traits

Between the ages of 2 and 5 is when you can shape the minds of younger ones to have them learn the right values. The right characteristics can be imparted, along with the right direction and way of thinking. You can choose books from different backgrounds and authors to have your child learn different lessons throughout their reading journey.

4. Inspirational for children

The characters in the books are aspirational for children, so they love reading so much in the first place. You can cultivate the love of reading by choosing books that inspire them to pursue arts, science, math, and teaching. You can establish the right foundation for learning and growth as you provide books that nourish the mind.


Storytelling is such a fun way to play around with language and encourage creative thinking.


5 ways that storytelling can empower your business | Business West


Below are 5 Super Fun Storytelling Games for Kids can enjoy.


  1. eeBoo Tell Me A Story Cards – Mystery in the Forest– Ages 3 -6 – This storytelling game is great for the little ones. The bright-colored pictures come on 36 laminated cards.
  2. Tall Tales Story Telling Board Game– Ages 4 and up – Tall Tales Story Telling includes picture cards and little figures. That combo invites the entire family!
  3. Tell Tale Fairy Tales– Ages 5 -8 – Tell Tale Fairy Tales game comes with 120 picture cards. Each contains a character displaying an emotion, a setting or a mythical creature. There are four suggested ways to play with these cards. (Although my bet is that you can come up with even more!)
  4. The Storymatic Kids– Ages 5 and up – 360 cards are included in this storytelling game for kids. There is a booklet with game ideas and more story prompts! Fun.
  5. Once Upon A Time– Ages 5 and up – Made for big kids, this game uses story cards to help kids create and build upon stories.