Talking to Your Baby

Talking to Your Baby

Talking to children and answering any questions they may throw at you is one of the fundamental ways in which they learn. Talking, however, isn’t just important once youngsters have already mastered basic language skills, but well before they have even uttered their...
The Importance of Role Play in Preschool

The Importance of Role Play in Preschool

The Role of Play in Preschool: Why it Matters for Child Development Play is not just about fun—it’s a fundamental part of the educational journey. The importance of play in early childhood development is immense. Through play, children gain skills and knowledge that...
Understanding  Parallel Play in Young Children

Understanding Parallel Play in Young Children

What is parallel play in children? Simply put, it’s a form of play that is often observed in children, particularly between the ages of 2 and 3. This type of play sees children engaging in similar activities in close proximity to each other, yet without any direct...
Early Literacy-Six Skills by Age Six

Early Literacy-Six Skills by Age Six

1) Have Fun with books- Use expression when you read, chose books you enjoy reading, when children see you reading for pleasure they want to read too! 2) Notice Print All Around You- Let children handle books and help turn the pages. Babies will even put them in their...