by Rising Stride | Nov 29, 2023 | Early Education
Why is “serve and return” important? Although this may not feel like a typical conversation, interactions like these are a critical part of your baby’s cognitive growth. Multiple research studies support that back-and-forth interactions with your baby are as critical...
by Rising Stride | Nov 28, 2023 | Early Education
When we think about fitness skills, we often think about big body movement activities like walking, crawling, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, and other large motor development skills. An equally important fitness skill is the development of fine motor skills....
by Rising Stride | Nov 17, 2023 | Early Education
Deep in our hearts, we all know the best part of Thanksgiving isn’t the huge feast. It’s the opportunity to spend time with family and make memories. Keep the fun and the laughs going long after the last dinner course has been served with some family-friendly...
by Rising Stride | Nov 16, 2023 | Early Education
Food isn’t the only thing that fuels brain development. Children also develop skills through playing! Perhaps when you hear the word “play,” what comes to mind is a game of tag or baseball, but play occurs as early as birth. Simple games like peek-a-boo and...
by Rising Stride | Nov 14, 2023 | Early Education
Most of us are familiar with the research revealing how important it is to read with children every day. And most of us have every intention of doing that. However, daily life, with all its tasks and distractions can get in the way of realizing our best intentions....