Kids are naturally curious, and science experiments are a useful way to foster this trait in children as young as preschoolers—and that’s just one of their many benefits.

It can foster a lifelong love of science

Children are programmed to explore and experiment right from the start, even as babies. On the other hand, research suggests that by the age of 7, most children have developed either a positive or negative attitude towards science education that will remain entrenched. So, by tapping into their natural predispositions early on, during this key developmental phase, we can nurture and establish a positive approach to science education that will stay with them into the future.

 It gives a basic grounding in scientific concepts and scientific thinking

Even the very simplest activities can introduce children to scientific concepts and stimulate scientific thinking. Early years science education can provide a strong foundation in terms of both what is learned, and how it’s learned, that will stand them in good stead. By encouraging and directing their natural curiosity, and familiarizing them with basic scientific vocabulary, early years educators can help children begin to make sense of the world around them, and gain some understanding of how things work.

It supports the development of other skills and attributes

Science education activities provide children with opportunities to develop and practice many different skills and attributes. These include communication skills, collaborative skills, team working and perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Help them expand their vocabulary by using scientific terms that are appropriate for their age group. Encourage them to extend and embed their learning through related literacy, numeracy and creative activities.

Choosing the Right Types of Science Experiments

But, besides asking yourself, “Why are science experiments important for preschoolers?”, it’s important to discover what specific activities are developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. If they’re too advanced, your child may quickly lose interest or not get good takeaways from the experience. shares nine wonderful activities, and here are just two of them.

Age Groups Served

First, create a bowl of magic ink! Its secret ingredients are as follows: the juice of one lemon and a spoonful of water. Then, give your child a paintbrush or cotton swab. They can dip into the lemon juice-water and write or paint on a piece of paper. Then, once the ink dries, you can hold the paper up into the sunlight or next to a lamp and watch something magical happen! When heated up, lemon juice turns brown from oxidation, allowing everyone to see what was created with the invisible ink.

Making Music

Take a handful of glasses and fill them with differing amounts of water. Then, give your child a spoon to tap each one to hear the different sounds made by them. Fuller glasses will create deeper sounds while ones with less water will make higher sounds. Your child may soon be creating catchy riffs!

My top 15 Benefits of performing preschool science experiments are:

  • Learning to use equipment safely and correctly. Equipment could include magnifying glasses, microscopes, magnets, scales, sieves, ramps and weighted objects. Sometimes this can also include chemicals, such as those used for making volcanoes.
  • Drawing and writing to hypothesize results and discoveries.
  • Encouraging discussion: Talking about what you see, feel, taste, hear, smell and discover.
  • Observing changes: Children have the opportunity to develop their observational skills and identify changes and differences, such as changes in matter; for example, melting ice cubes.
  • Reading books to explore scientific concepts and further experiments.
  • Predicting: Encouraging children to discuss the possibilities of what will happen in the experiment.
  • Asking questions: Science experiments encourage curiosity and many, many questions.
  • Experimenting with the sequencing of steps to carry out the experiment.
  • Exploring the natural environment.
  • Exploring the man-made environment.
  • Using our five senses: For example, smelling or touching and tactile discrimination.
  • Considering math’s concepts: For example, comparing size and weight.
  • Problem solving: For example, how will we melt the ice? Will we leave it in the room, cook it in a pan or leave it in the sun?
  • Exploring cause and effect through various materials.
  • Developing an inquisitive mind.

What skills can children in the early years develop through science? 

Developing your child’s sense of adventure through science will give them the confidence to ask questions about the world, find out how things work, and give them an understanding of their environment.

Other wonderful benefits of early years science activities include: 

  • Strengthening communication skills as they describe what’s happening in front of them
  • Introducing a rich vocabulary of scientific concepts from an early age helps with confidence when they get older and start looking at the concepts in closer detail
  • Developing scientific thinking and concepts that provide a basis for further learning at school
  • Offering unique, hands-on experiences that will help their minds develop through physical exploration and foster critical thinking
  • Supporting the development of collaboration and team skills through group science experiments and fun
  • Perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills
  • Help them expand their vocabulary by using scientific terms that are appropriate for their age group
  • Extend and embed their learning through related literacy, numeracy and creative activities

Hands-on experiences like these allow children to enjoy learning. With slime and plenty of other science experiments, they also learn patience and practice delayed gratification before seeing the amazing results of their hard work!

It’s so rewarding watching your child develop through science. These science activities for early years offer fun, easy ways to let your child explore through experimentation and discovery. At Rising Stride, our philosophy is that children are scientists and agents of their own learning. For impactful and meaningful learning, we always encourage children to learn by doing, these activities are great for supporting and developing all areas across the curriculum.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can support your young child’s development or to learn more about how we encourage development at our Child Care Centers, contact us today.