Many busy parents find that jobs and daily responsibilities can get in the way of encouraging their children to eat right. Even when there is time, parents must still face the age-old dilemma of getting kids to eat healthy foods.

Don’t worry! There’s a lot of good news out there. There are tons of easy-to-prepare, nutritious snacks that kids will love. Whether it’s an after-school snack, or just something to hold them over until dinnertime, these treats will keep your children healthy, satisfied and on their way to a lifetime of healthy snacking habits.

Healthy Snacks


  • Carrots and hummus. This delicious, healthful snack is rich in vitamins and protein. The olive oil in the hummus is also beneficial — as a good fat, it can help lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease. Click on this link ’10 Reasons Why We Should All Be Eating Hummus” to see all the benefits Hummus offers.
  • Popcorn with nutritional yeast. For one serving, combine two cups fresh popcorn with one tablespoon nutritional yeast. It tastes like cheesy popcorn, but it is lower in cholesterol and calories! Plus, kids absolutely love the crunchy texture and cheesy taste.
  • Chocolate trail mix. This is a really simple snack, but be careful with portions, since — as the descriptive name tells you — this is a snack that’s salty and a little high in calories. Give your child a handful — but add some celery sticks on the side, too.
  • Tropical cottage cheese. Chop up half a cup of fresh mango and pineapple, then toss it with a half cup of nonfat cottage cheese. This is one of those treats that kids might not be interested in at first, but once they get a taste, they’ll find out they love the sweet taste! And you can feel good knowing it’s healthy, scrumptious and filling.
  • Crunchy curried tuna salad. Mix a half cup of canned tuna with one teaspoon of curry powder, one tablespoon of red onion, and two chopped ribs of celery. Another one that might make kids look askance at the plate when you serve it to them, but the proof is in the tasting! Plus, tuna is a heart-healthy food that kids can learn to love for a lifetime.
  • Pistachios. Your child can enjoy 25 of these super tasty and super nutritious nuts for a super simple snack on the go!
  • Apple and peanut butter. Ahh, the old standbys never fail to disappoint. Top half an apple with one teaspoon of natural peanut butter. It’s as simple as that!


  • Apples(fresh or applesauce)
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  • Grapes – be sure to quarter as whole grapes are a choking hazard.
  • Kiwi
  • Melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon)
  • Mangoes
  • Oranges (clementines, cara cara)
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple
  • Freeze dried or dried fruits
  • Fruit pouches (look for ones with fruit as the only ingredient)
  • Homemade Fruit Gummies

Tip: Cut into appropriate sizes – thinly slice or dice the fruits into small pieces that are easy for your toddler to chew and swallow. Avoid cutting them into large chunks to minimize the risk of choking.


Of course, in addition to these healthful snacks, it’s important for parents and caregivers to ensure that the child is exercising daily. This is absolutely crucial for a child’s healthy development. In fact, at Rising Stride, our core beliefs are rooted in the fact that movement and exercise positively stimulate brain growth and development.

Whether it’s at school or at home, physical activity is of the utmost significance. Regular exercise will help your children gain lifelong benefits, as it is optimal for preventing obesity and obesity-related health conditions. It also does wonders for a child’s self-confidence and encourages social skill development, among other healthy and lasting benefits.

Fitness For Kids!

As Rising Stride, we teach children to engage in physical activity as part of our daily curriculum. This is something we stress for all our students. In addition to increasing brain power, exercise builds muscles, strengthens bones, increases coordination, boosts self-confidence and jump-starts a lifelong routine of healthy habits. Additionally, gross motor activities are instrumental in learning academic skills.