The early years are a time of intense learning. Before age six, children will learn faster than at any other point in their lives. This is a golden opportunity, and one many parents are excited to take advantage of. Enrolling your child in a quality preschool is one way you can help your child learn, but you can also support their learning at home.

Children can benefit from a variety of activities to help support their learning. Here are a few ways you can help.

Fine motor skills

Typing on the computer, writing a note to a friend, or even pushing the buttons on your phone all require fine motor skills. We use these skills every day in our adult lives, but children aren’t born with them.

Parents can help develop the fine motor skills needed for life through crafts like making macaroni noodle necklaces, or coloring in a coloring book. The more kids paint, draw, build and create, the better their fine motor skills would be.

Crafts and creative play are also very fun to do and make great quality time with your child.

Make Learning a Game

Children learn primarily through play, so take advantage of that! A quick search on Google or Pinterest will provide you with plenty of ideas for educational games. The good news is that you can put as much or as little effort into creating games as you would like! Even something as simple as a game of iSpy can be an excellent avenue for learning by helping children recognize colors, spy letters, build vocabulary, increase their attention span and more!

While it is not necessarily a game, do not underestimate the power of reading books! Reading is a fantastic way to incorporate learning with your preschooler since reading is a source of entertainment to them. Reading just a few books a day not only develops vocabulary, it also improves comprehension, memory and empathy, to name a few.

Follow Their Interests

If you want your preschooler to be excited about learning, start by incorporating things they are already interested in. If your child loves dinosaurs, use that as an outlet for learning! It could look something like this:

  • Math: How many dinosaurs do you have? Let’s count them together. 
  • Curiosity: I wonder what this dinosaur likes to eat. Let’s research and find out!
  • Language: Let’s go to the library and pick out some books about dinosaurs to read. 
  • Social Emotion Skills: This dinosaur doesn’t like it when the other dinosaurs knock him over. What could he say to ask them to stop? 

You know your child best and know what they will likely respond to and engage with. If your child is energetic and physical, incorporate movement into learning. If they are creative, use crafts as a way to learn.

Lean into their interests, follow their lead and you will see how naturally learning opportunities arise in their world.

Incorporate Learning Into Everyday Activities

While play is an excellent outlet for learning, inviting our preschoolers into everyday activities is just as engaging and important for them in their development. Part of learning at this age is developing life skills and growing more independent.

Children want to be involved with their parents, so instead of doing things for your preschooler, invite them to do things with you!

Things like:

  • Cooking: pouring ingredients into a bowl, mixing, pulling grapes off of the stem
  • Self-care: brushing teeth, combing hair, getting dressed and undressed
  • Chores: sweeping, matching socks, pulling clothes out of the dryer, spraying and wiping counter tops, washing windows, feeding pets
  • Grocery shopping: identify foods, spying colors and letters, counting produce


The ability to take a deep breath when you’re angry, stay focused on a goal, or even just the ability to wait in a line are skills that need to be developed. It can be difficult to maintain these skills even as an adult.

You can help your child develop self-regulation skills, by being their coach on difficult tasks. If your child struggles with putting on a coat for example, instead of doing it for them each time, break the task up into multiple parts and show them how to master each step.

The first part could be simply pulling the zipper up after it has been started for them. By learning how to work through difficult tasks instead of simply handing it over to another person, they can learn how to handle other stressful situations too.

Self-regulation is another skill that will benefit them their whole lives, including in school and into their adult life.

Letters and Numbers

When most parents think of supporting their preschooler, they tend to think of academics. Helping your child learn their letters and numbers is a great way to help them prepare for their future. There are many games and activities you can use that help make learning letters and numbers fun.

Try painting the numbers and letters with your kids, pointing out letters they’re currently working on in their favorite books, or counting the bath toys at bath time. Letters and numbers can be turned into a fun game almost anywhere, all while helping your child learn.

There are many ways to help support your child’s learning at home. These five major areas can help your child learn how to use the pencil they will one day need for their college application, take a deep breath before a big test, and have the basic skills they need to read what’s there. With your help, you can make that day a little easier for them.