There are many interesting indoor activities to keep your preschooler entertained when it’s too hot to be outside. Below are eight easy summer activities for preschoolers.

1. Cooking and Baking Together: Make tasty and entertaining snacks with your children to interest them in the kitchen. The easiest option to connect with others and do something delicious is to cook together, make homemade popsicles, or decorate cookies

2. Artistic Creations: Let your preschooler’s creativity soar with some creative activities. Finger painting, collages, and making homemade playdough are just a few options to spark their imagination.

3.Color Matching: Collect items around the house or yard and sort them by color. You can use construction paper or paint chips to make color cards for your preschooler to match.

4. Sensory Bins: Fill a container with rice, beans, or water and add small toys or objects for your preschooler to explore. This activity assists with fine motor skills and sensory development.

5. Reading and Storytelling: reading together is a great option to encourage a love of books and stories. Make it even more engaging by using different voices for characters or acting out parts of the story.

6. Music and Dance: Put on music and have a dance party with your preschooler. This is the best choice for letting their wiggles out and having fun with each other.

7. Building and Construction: Preschoolers love to build and create, so give them some materials like blocks, legos, or cardboard boxes and let them go to town.

8. Games and Puzzles: Games and Puzzles are the finest activities for boosting family time and problem-solving skills development. Select games that are enjoyable for players of all ages.