8 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Special

8 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Special

Life can swirl around preschoolers like a windstorm. Between playdates, preschool, and daycare, they may feel like the adults in their life don’t really see them. If you want to make your kid feel special, loved, and appreciated, try and incorporate these five special...
10 Tips for Raising Kind Kids

10 Tips for Raising Kind Kids

While worrying about your child being included amongst their peers is one thing, the fear that your child will not be kind may trump it! Raising kind kids is a goal that many parents strive for and yet may struggle with knowing where to start.  Here are some...
10 Ways to Help Your Children Listen

10 Ways to Help Your Children Listen

Give Clear Instructions When you make a request, your light is GREEN and children are given the signal to “GO” and complete a task. When they listen, make their efforts pay off by providing praise, attention, smiles, etc. This will get them GO-ing, and they will...