8 Ways to Introduce New Foods to Kids

8 Ways to Introduce New Foods to Kids

Tips on How to Introduce New Foods to Kids By introducing your children to new foods, you’re setting them up for success in the future. Children who are introduced to a variety of foods are more likely to have a balanced diet later on in life. By introducing them to...
4 Ideas To Help Your Child Count to 20!

4 Ideas To Help Your Child Count to 20!

Is your child learning to count? This is a fundamental skill that everyone needs to learn. After all, you have to learn how to count before you can do math. Try these activities, and your child should be counting with confidence very soon! Create a Number Drawing Book...
How Do You Teach Kids About Germs?

How Do You Teach Kids About Germs?

We believe that every child should have a well-rounded education. That involves more than just academics and STEAM activities. It also includes life skills. One of the most important life skills for a child to learn is how to take care of their personal hygiene. What...